
artificial stocking中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Since the initial works about artificial stock market are proposed by holland and arthur in santa fe in 1987 , and the first stock market structured by palmer in 1994 , more and more scholars have begun to study on the artificial stock market from different point of view
  • In this case , the artificial stock market methods are introduced in this thesis to study the microstructure of stock market in order to find some interesting results . firstly , the artificial stock market methods make the study about stock market no more dependent on the rational expectation
  • Based on the santa fe artificial stock market , the simulated experiments of different markets include market clear mechanism , price limited mechanism , and dividend mechanism markets are implement . and the bubble and frangibility of stock market are also studied by this method . the satisfactory results are gotten
  • The first part of this thesis expounds the complex system and the complexity of financial market ; the second part generalizes the theory of multi - agent system modeling and landmark research work of multi - agent - based modeling in financial field ; the third part researches particularly that how to use multi - agent - based modeling theory and method to describe and solve the complex questions in artificial stock market . the simulation and analysis for financial market complex system show that the price s fluctuation of financial market is not a derivative thing . it is because of the inside motive that investors change their investment strategies
  • 推荐英语阅读
artificial stocking的中文翻译,artificial stocking是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译artificial stocking,artificial stocking的中文意思,artificial stocking的中文artificial stocking in Chineseartificial stocking的中文artificial stocking怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
